A bit of history to explain why we have chosen a sketched citrus tree, dating from 1601, as our logo. The illustration was designed in the early days of citrus fruits, when mankind was still discovering the wonders of nature.
Most of the citrus fruit and certainly the oranges have their origin in China or surrounding regions. While “an orange” is accurately describing what one actually sees, the Dutch synonym is referring to its origin: “Apple of China” or if you care to practice your Dutch: appelsien or sinaasappel.
The Dutchmen, being excellent merchants, spread the orange (and its name) all over Europe. They had extensive commercial relationships with the region via their East India Trading Cy.
To complete the history chapter: not the Dutchmen but the Portuguese first brought the oranges to Europe. They remain our favorite suppliers of citrus fruits (the freshly grown ones though, not the ones made in China!).
A bit of history to explain why we have chosen a sketched citrus tree, dating from 1601, as our logo. The illustration was designed in the early days of citrus fruits, when mankind was still discovering the wonders of nature.
Most of the citrus fruit and certainly the oranges have their origin in China or surrounding regions. While “an orange” is accurately describing what one actually sees, the Dutch synonym is referring to its origin: “Apple of China” or if you care to practice your Dutch: appelsien or sinaasappel.
The Dutchmen, being excellent merchants, spread the orange (and its name) all over Europe. They had extensive commercial relationships with the region via their East India Trading Cy.
To complete the history chapter: not the Dutchmen but the Portuguese first brought the oranges to Europe. They remain our favorite suppliers of citrus fruits (the freshly grown ones though, not the ones made in China!).
Copyright by Korulo. All rights reserved.
Copyright by Korulo. All rights reserved.